Sunday, January 30, 2011

New Year!

I can't believe I forgot I was going to do this blog! Oops.

My obsession with make-up is still holding on strong, so I think I'll be starting this back up in 2011. Wahoo!!

I'm not sure what the nature of this blog will be. I don't know if it will consist mostly of FOTD's, tutorials, reviews, hauls, or perhaps a balance of all of them. I will try and do what is in demand. If y'all let me know what you want, I will be sure to cater to it!

Since there are obviously no requests yet, I am going to start off with something I personally love reading: My 2010 Faves. I will start compiling this list tonight and will hopefully have it finish within the next few days. I'm excited to share my favorites with y'all and I certainly hope you'll find a new product you want to try within them.

Additionally, to get requests rolling, I am going to do a make-up collection video at the end of this week. Anything in the video is fair game for review if it's requested.

I'm so excited to get this blog up and running and talk make-up with everyone! Comment on this post and tell me what you'd like to see once everything gets rolling.



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