Sunday, January 30, 2011

My Current Skincare Routine

I really love finding a good daily skincare regimen and I imagine everyone else does, too! Gorgeous makeup starts with healthy, clean, beautiful skin. The routine I've been doing lately has been giving me great results; my skin is clear, super soft and looks great. I thought I'd share with y'all what I've been doing lately in case you were looking for a new regimen yourself!

Probably important to mention that I have Dry to Normal skin. It's been leaning more toward Normal lately, but there are some days that I wake up and really feel like my face is flaking off. Gross.


- Apply Peter Thomas Roth's Max Sheer All Day Moisture Defense Lotion (Oil-Free, SPF 30). Using a moisturizer with SPF is super important. I like this one because it doesn't have that nasty telling "I HAVE SUNBLOCK IN ME!" smell that so many moisturizers with SPF do.

- That's it! I don't wash my face in the morning. My skin is just too dry in the winter to wash it both morning and night. This is a totally personal thing; if you think your face needs to be washed twice a day, go for it!


- Remove makeup with Clinique Take The Day Off Makeup Remover. I break open the bottle and go to town. I go through this stuff like nobody's business! I don't think I would recommend this for anyone with oily skin because it's pretty...heavy? (for lack of a better word) but it's a dream on my dry skin.

- Wash with Clinique Liquid Facial Soap - Mild (Dry Combo Skin Formula). Imassage it into my skin for 30 seconds or so, then leave it on while I brush my teeth - though this is strictly for good measure, as I'm fairly certain it doesn't do anything. (On Sunday nights, I skip the Clinique Soap and use Neutrogena Clear Pore Cleanser/Mask. Realistically, it is probably too harsh for my skin, but it makes me feel so clean. Love that stuff.)

- Exfoliate with Philosophy Microdelivery Exfoliating Wash. I only do this every other night. Gets rid of all the yuck yuck build up on my face.

- Slather on Clinique Dramatically Different Dramatically Different Moisturizing Lotion (Very Dry to Dry Combo Skin Formula). Keeps my skin hydrated, fresh and soft. I would die without the stuff. (Okay, maybe that's a little dramatic, but I'd definitely be a sad little girl).

And that's about it. I'm trying to work a toner into that mix (I bought one this week) so I'll make sure to let y'all know how that goes!

That's all folks ;)



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